Recall healing On Zoom


Price until 15/9/2023
Time 16.00-18.00        
15-17 October 2023 

  Recall 1

25-27 October 2023 


22-24 October 2023 Recall 2


All prices include VAT
  Price in NIS 
Up to 3 payments are possible
Checks are not respected
About the course
The course will be taught in English
Paying by Credit Card is possible - up to 3 payments with no interest
Registration fee not returned in case of cancellation: 300 NIS
At the end of the course, a participation certificate will be given by Dr. Gilbert Renaud
In addition, every attendee will receive the detailed course's textbook.
It is also possible to purchase the Recall Healing book, by Gilbert Renaud, for 300 NIS in cash on the day of the event.

Course Registration
You can fill in your contact details, for us to contact you
Edna Zilberman for further questions: 00972 -52-3313888
Aviva for registration and payment: 00972532302205

syllabus Will be sent by email

: About the lecturer

Dr. Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D
Is a member of the Scientific Counseling Committee and a Professor in the CIM academy, he has more than 30 years' experience as an expert in the holistic health field
Dr. Gilbert Renaud was trained in "Total Biology" by Dr. ClaudSabbah, France. Renaud has practical experience in Vancouver, Canada, and he teaches Total Biology\Recall Healing throughout North America and Europe. A link to Dr. Gilbert Renaud's site:
Course's organizing, production, and professional support:
Edna Zilberman – M.Sc in Biology, Chinese medicine therapist, homeopathy, recall healing, and a Theta Healing instructor..