
M. came to me with shingles - herpes zoster, sores in the back and waist area together with nerve inflammation, a very painful phenomenon. According to the healing recall, this relates to the bio hyther, to the experience of a hit, a blow, or an experience of intrusion into one's space. M. said that he traveled with his wife to China, and there they traveled several times on a crowded train, which they jokingly called the "shoulder train". He felt there was an intrusion into his space. This was the trigger that woke up the rash. In addition, we found that M has a great sensitivity regarding his freedom. In all areas of his life he feels that his freedom is being violated' we found out that M is named after his grandfather who died in the Holocaust. His grandfather was together with the whole family in the basement which lasted a long time. Finally he got fed up and went out and was killed by the Nazis. This created a big conflict in his family, when a person is named after another person in the family he is sometimes connected to his conflicts. That's why M lived his whole life wanting freedom, but knowing he couldn't get it. After we discussed his story, and combined acupuncture in the treatment, the shingles was cured after one treatment, which sometimes takes several weeks to heal.
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