Recall Healing - the revolutionary healing method

Recall Healing – Recall Healing - is a revolutionary healing method, which holds that disease is not a mistake of the body.
In many situations the brain creates our illnesses out of an evolutionary mechanism that adapts itself to reality and thus helps us survive, as a kind of personal and family evolution and adaptation.
The assumption is that if we understand the circumstances that created the disease,
The mind will not need her and he will allow her to be cured.
The pyramid: why does disease occur?
Our brain is geared towards survival, when we experience a great state of stress, tension, when something bothers us a lot such as: someone's death, an accident we experienced, someone left us, or simply a difficult time.
From the point of view of the brain that is responsible for survival (the automatic brain) our function is impaired, we pay less attention to details and it will be difficult for us to find food or we will be vulnerable to being harmed by a predator.
In order to avoid this, there is a mechanism that returns us to function.
Suddenly the great stress we experienced after the trauma, disappears... suddenly we return to function.
It is the work of the automatic mind that takes the experience and stores it in our body.
Every organ in the body and every tissue is built to store an experience from a different frequency.
For example, the liver will house experiences of hunger, the breasts - contact with children, the skin - contact with the environment, etc.
This is true for all people in the world as well as animals.
This can be seen according to the pyramid model, (see image below)
There is the part of the brain that is busy, (psyche) with thoughts, feelings, learning, development, decision making, beliefs, thinking patterns, etc. If this part is in excess of energy, there is a type of "grounding" like in an electrical device, in order to prevent overload and damage to the system.
The automatic mind that is busy with survival, represses it to the body.
It remains in the body and sometimes it can reappear as a disease.
Later we will understand how this happens.

 Recall Healing – Recall Healing - is a revolutionary healing method, which holds that disease is not a mistake of the body. In many situations, the brain creates our diseases out of an evolutionary mechanism that adapts itself to reality and thus helps us survive, as a kind of personal and family evolution and adaptation.
The assumption is that if we understand the circumstances that created the disease,
The mind will not need her and he will allow her to be cured.
The pyramid: why does disease occur?
Our brain is geared towards survival, when we experience a great state of stress, tension, when something bothers us a lot such as: someone's death, an accident we experienced, someone left us, or simply a difficult time.
From the point of view of the brain that is responsible for survival (the automatic brain) our function is impaired, we pay less attention to details and it will be difficult for us to find food or we will be vulnerable to being harmed by a predator.
In order to avoid this, there is a mechanism that returns us to function.
Suddenly the great stress we experienced after the trauma, disappears... suddenly we return to function.
It is the work of the automatic mind that takes the experience and stores it in our body.
Every organ in the body and every tissue is built to store an experience from a different frequency.
For example, the liver will house experiences of hunger, the breasts - contact with children, the skin - contact with the environment, etc.
This is true for all people in the world as well as animals.
This can be seen according to the pyramid model, (see image below)
There is the part of the brain that is busy, (psyche) with thoughts, feelings, learning, development, decision making, beliefs, thinking patterns, etc. If this part is in excess of energy, there is a type of "grounding" like in an electrical device, in order to prevent overload and damage to the system.
The automatic mind that is busy with survival, represses it to the body.
It remains in the body and sometimes it can reappear as a disease.
Later we will understand how this happens.

how Do we heal disease with recall healing?
Because in many cases, illness is a creation of the mind, and in most cases it is based on an event from the past,
It is possible by identifying the factors in the past (in the lineage, during pregnancy, and in life itself) to release the person's need from the disease.
Sometimes it is enough just to bring the memory to the conscious to cure a disease and sometimes the person must go through a process of release. Usually when the person is not emotionally invested in the story the mind will agree to let go quickly.
For example: a woman suffered from arthritis at exactly the same age that her grandmother, who is named after her, perished in the Holocaust. The very connection that was made, resulted in immediate healing, in one treatment.
Another example: a woman with fibromyalgia, we found connections to the disease during pregnancy and early childhood, also in the relationship between the parents and in her current relationship. She had to go through a process of release and forgiveness (from her father, mother, partner) of several treatments, so that the disease would be released.
The treatment itself includes "detective research" in the areas of the person's life. I usually give a questionnaire to fill out in advance before the treatment, sometimes the person has to ask their family members to verify details.
Dates of events are important because sometimes there are cycles, because our subconscious works with associations, it is important to understand the subconscious of the specific patient.
healing Children in Recall Healing
It sometimes seems to us that children arrive "clean into the world" and this is relatively true, but they are very much influenced by the genetic lineage and the time of "programming a goal", which is the time that begins a year before the conception, the pregnancy itself and up to the age of one year.
33 months are very significant in our lives because the brain takes everything that happened there and reproduces it in our lives, with the understanding that everything that happened there is good, because - it helped us survive.
There is a natural tendency of children to take on their parents' troubles, with intention
that "I need my parents to survive in order to take care of me - so I will take it upon myself to cure their problems"
We all know, for example, the example of children feeling guilty about their parents' divorce.
When we take care of the children there is no need to see them, the healing takes place through taking care of the mother (or father).
We find the conflicts that created the problem the child is suffering from and the events that created them.
After that, sometimes the very recognition of the mother relieves the problem, or in a very specific process, the mother approaches the child at night and simply tells him what happened, when the child is asleep, and frees him from the need to keep what happened to him or her during pregnancy. The cures in these cases are sometimes immediate.
 For example :
- Bedwetting passes overnight (sometimes related to separation from the father, the mother or the child)
- Hyperactivity disappears within a few days (often related to the mother's lack of feeling for the fetus during pregnancy)
- Migraines that a child suffered from every day pass within a few days (the need for the child and the mother to be smart)
 And so it is possible to cure a variety of diseases, asthma, migraines, problems in studies, social difficulties and more.
All this without the child having to go to treatments, the mother or father does the fact for the child.
It is important to emphasize that there is no blame here on the parents, these are simply biological mechanisms.

what is Biological conflict in recall healing:
It is important to understand the difference between a biological conflict in the recall healing method and a psychological conflict,
belief or thought pattern.
A biological conflict is a situation in which the person (or the animal) is in danger of survival for themselves, their offspring,
 or to their herd and they must respond to that.
It turns out that during evolution the body created for itself a system of reactions to any such situation, in order to increase our chances of survival.
For example, a difference between a thought pattern or an emotion of "my mother left me"
A biological conflict would be "my mother abandoned me, I will not receive protection and food, therefore I will die"
Abandonment or separation from the mother can cause, for example, a skin rash in the baby.
His way of increasing contact with the world.
The biological conflict goes straight to our survival mind, and an immediate solution must be found.
For example: A wolf separated from his herd, and he is alone, and every time he hunts something, a bigger wolf comes and takes his food. The next time he catches prey he will swallow a large piece whole. Now the stomach has a lot to digest, so the brain sends a message to multiply the stomach cells and actually create a tumor there that will increase the secretion of digestive juices.
The biological conflict can be real, imaginary or symbolic.
That is, instead of a bone, there could be something else that is difficult for me to digest.
For example, a real example:
A certain man's business partner who was also his best friend betrayed him and made him sign documents without his knowledge (he trusted him so much that he didn't read the documents) and kicked him out of their company.
This is such a big betrayal that the person cannot digest it. "I can't digest what he did to me"
The person is under a lot of stress and the body must help him. From the point of view of the brain, when a person is under high stress, he is not alert and may be hurt, so the brain represses this emotion to the body, according to the meaning of the conflict.
In this case, because there is difficulty in digesting the experience, the brain will react in the same way that the wolf reacted and create a cancerous growth in the stomach in order to help the person digest what happened.
If the person releases the trauma, the body will break down the tumor.
If it happens in time, the person doesn't even know about it... maybe a little heartburn...
And if the conflict is not resolved, the person cannot forgive and let go, then the tumor will continue to grow.

And here The plot gets a little complicated.
Not every case of infidelity will create stomach cancer.
Such a case of betrayal can be interpreted by the person in several ways, according to his interpretation of the experience.
for example:
– I'm so mad at him and I'll never forgive him" may create gallstones.
- "I didn't see how he worked on me" can create glaucoma in the eyes, (the eye turns into a magnifying glass).
– "He did something stinky to me" can create sinusitis. (stop your nose so I don't tile).
- "I lack money, I have no way to support myself" can cause liver cancer. (The liver will try to produce more food).
– "My children are in danger" can cause testicular cancer. (need to create more offspring).
- "They hurt me in my territory". May create a heart attack (increasing all the blood vessels in the heart to have enough blood to fight the invader, then their reduction by cholesterol).
etc., therefore each person according to his belief system may create a different conflict, even if it is the same situation.
* It is important to note that the examples here are for explanation only and with a real patient you need to find the exact contexts. Only a very precise connection will help to cure the disease, it is not about a magic solution of "faith for every disease" but about finding the specific and exact causes for each person.

What else could cause the disease in a particular organ?
Let's say it happened to his grandfather, before he was born, something hard he couldn't digest, he had heartburn, maybe a small undiagnosed tumor and in the end it went away. The brain remembers this incident and realizes that it helped his grandfather digest, this pattern will remain in his genes. And then such an event happens in a person's life,

Immediately the genes wake up and say, we already know what to do, it worked for grandfather (or any other family member) and they create the tumor...

And so with any cancer or disease in the body.. each person has a story that explains the situation.
The biological conflict is related to survival, so the brain's reaction is drastic, we must survive even at the cost of illness.

Because humans have feelings and memories, we can experience conflicts that are no longer relevant.
The wolf will not be angry with the one who took his food, he will move on with his life, humans tend to keep feelings, resentment, anger, dark secrets, all these are things that the body will have to solve in a final way as soon as they are flooded by a certain event in life, a certain date, etc. .
Besides curing diseases, recall healing helps a lot to get out of thought patterns, emotional behaviors,
Choosing a relationship and a profession are also influenced by many factors in our subconscious, our lives, the choices of people in our lineage and the time of pregnancy, which if we release them we can have the freedom
to decide, what is really right for us.

combination Other treatment methods with recall healing
The great advantage of recall healing is in the diagnosis and connections it makes.
Sometimes in the work of release and digestion, additional methods and techniques can be added to release the past
And also help the patient create a new future.
You can use tools from the world of psychology, personal training, complementary medicine and more.
I like to use the theta healing method see article on recall healing and theta healing.
I also combine herbal acupuncture in the treatment, and self-work methods for the patient such as working with the inner child and the phonophono.
Sometimes what creates the healing is a reconciliation conversation with father or mother.
Sometimes a change of a certain custom or habit.
The recall healing method can be combined with homeopathy, Bach flowers, EFT, EMDR, bioergonomic, biofeedback, NLP, guided imagery, acupuncture, theta healing, and more...

For those who want to learn recall healing
Dr. Gilbert Reno is the developer of the recall healing method, Dr. Reno based his work on the findings of Dr. Hamer, a German oncologist, who developed the new German medicine, after he himself became ill with cancer. He studied thousands of cancer patients and their brain imaging.
In addition, Der Sabah and Der Atias, (Jews of Moroccan origin) who were Der Reno's teachers, perfected and added to the method. Dr. Reno wrote a dictionary, a fat book, in which the biological conflicts of many diseases,
He is an international lecturer who travels the world and teaches the method.
Dr. Renault comes to Israel twice a year to teach the method to therapists
And even for patients who want to understand their disease.