Orthopedics at Recall Healing
The recall healing method is known as a method for treating complex diseases such as cancer,
But it is actually effective in treating a wide variety of diseases and different behavior patterns.
Orthopedic problems are common in her visits to complementary medicine, because the answer
In conventional medicine, it is usually rest, anti-inflammatory and pain medication
and sometimes orthopedics.
In recall healing the treatment is done by conversation. In the conversation, the therapist leads the patient
to the roots that were repressed into the subconscious. When one's awareness reconnects to events
or to the emotions and basically to the biological conflict that was repressed, the body can naturally begin a healing process.
To understand orthopedic problems one must understand a certain mechanism that occurs in the body.
Example: Thursday's basketball player
A 42-year-old man who plays basketball with his friends, ages 40-50, once a week. they are playing
and have fun and usually everything is fine. In one of the meetings, one of the players brought his child,
He just got released from the army...
tall and young who played in the youth team in high school....,
He is faster and jumps higher and his team wins.
The following week another player's son joins, and the game begins to change.
The game gets faster, the old players joke about their age and sit down
More on the bench, but our guy decides not to give up, and that age won't stop him.
He gives the game of his life, fights for every ball, and his team wins.
The next day his knee starts to hurt and he comes to the clinic after 3 months,
He almost doesn't play anymore.
He has already been to orthopedists and physiotherapists and nothing really helps.
It is clear to everyone that this happened because of the basket ball, but why now?
In questioning, the following story turns out.
worthlessness and orthopedics
Orthopedic injuries are generally associated with a sense of worthlessness.
The feeling of worthlessness begins before the injury.
This person plays with his friends, but it turns out that some kind of feeling nestles in him all the time
that he no longer plays the way he used to play.
He suppresses this feeling and continues to play and tell himself a story that is very
Happy with how it plays, as opposed to the feel that is there.
When there is a feeling of worthlessness associated with a certain activity, and the feeling
Relegated to the subconscious and basically to the body, the relevant tissues begin
become thinner and a process of cell breakdown begins if it is in the muscles,
tendons bones and cartilages. This process is usually without pain and inflammation.
In our case because of the nature of the basketball game which creates strong pressure on the knees
During rotations and changes of direction, a process of breaking down tissues in the knee begins.
When the problem of worthlessness is resolved even for a short time, the body immediately begins to heal
the place and create new cells.
If the conflict of worthlessness were small, we would not notice and there would be no symptoms,
If it is prolonged or strong the person will experience signs of inflammation during the healing process.
After a general feeling of worthlessness that he had, and one game with the young player
In which he felt not good enough, in the match against the two young men he succeeded
And the feeling of self-worth jumped to the sky! The next day the body started
Rehabilitate the tissues and the pains started.
The healing
So why didn't the pain go away after the body restored itself?
Because when the knee hurt, it brought back the whole feeling of worthlessness, I'm getting old,
My body betrays me, etc., and then a chronic, repetitive process continues.
When the person agrees to connect with this feeling of worthlessness and the frustration it sits on,
The conflict is released and the knee is free to heal.
Later sometimes it is necessary to work on the feeling of the person's worthlessness that may arise
from certain events in his life that he did not come to terms with,
Maybe childhood experiences, or even experiences and traits he inherited from his parents.
When a person is freed from these experiences, the general feeling of worthlessness is reduced.
The person is guided to be aware of what he feels, if as a man it is difficult for him to talk about his feelings,
So at least joke about it with his friends and that way he can keep playing every Thursday.
Other causes of orthopedic problems
The example mentioned is one possibility as to why we can be hurt
In the skeletal muscle system, however, there are other examples.
Just to understand the range of possibilities, knee problems can be caused by sensation
That I work too hard in life, that I am like a "slave" who is on his knees.
Pain in the knee can be associated with difficult experiences in childbirth or pregnancy,
of the woman herself or when the person himself is born.
Each organ in the body, each bone joint or muscle, has the ability to receive a different conflict.
So when a particular conflict is repressed it will be repressed to a specific organ.
This knowledge exists in the recall healing method and it is what makes it possible to find the source
The conflict in human life.
אשמח לדעת מה המועד הבא לקורס ריקול הילינג בהיבט האורתופדי והאם אפשר לעשות אותו גם בלי הקורס הבסיסי?